me and my hubby

me and my hubby

my weight loss tracker

Sunday, January 10, 2010

the weekend is almost over

Weekends are hard!!! They are harder than weekdays for me. I have an easier time saying no to foods and regulating my diet on weekdays than I do on weekends. Our church now starts at 9am and ends at 12noon. This is hard cuz then for the rest of the day I have to try not to think about food. I also need to work on breaking habits, such as eating while watching tv or eating while working on the computer. Most of the time I'm not really hungry, it's just a habit. So, these are the things I'm working on this week. All in all, this week and weekend has been good. We are making some food adjustments in our household that are positive. We have switched to brown rice, wheat tortillas, and wheat bread (double fiber). My boys are still not on board with the double fiber wheat bread, so we are making some compromises.

Good luck to all this week! I'm rooting for all of you. It's so nice having others doing the same things I am, and rooting for me as I am rooting for all of you!


Brandy said...

I agree weekends are harder than weekdays. I was hard with the food choices and the workout time or seemingly lack there of. But maybe if we can kick but during the week the weekends wont be as bad???

Karilynn said...

Having the whole family home makes my food struggles tremendous. We are out and about and they fam does not always like the food I want to eat. This weekend I had two meals that my husband literally turned his nose at and refused to eat. SO SO HARD... I def. need to find a balance there. Know that I am rooting for you too! You deserve this!! GO FOR IT!