me and my hubby

me and my hubby

my weight loss tracker

Friday, January 22, 2010

Biggest Loser Workout

The Biggest Loser 30 day jump start DVD just kicked my behind!!!! I only did 10 minutes of cardio. 10 minutes people - how pathetic am I? I know it's been a long time since I really worked out hard and those extra 90 pounds are pretty hard to heft around, but 10 minutes? really? how old did I get? seriously!!! I do feel good now though. I drank a bunch of water after I did my 10 minutes, plus I sat down and did some sit-ups and lifted my wimpy 8 pound weight for my arms, and I feel good. It feels good to do SOMETHING after doing nothing for so long. I know that I'll just get better and better (after I die tomorrow, I'm sure) so I'm not giving up. I'm sure that many of you can relate to my go, go, go, and then give up mentality that had me gaining all this weight through the years. Well this time, it's just going to be go, go, go, and never look back!!! Biggest Loser DVD day two (tomorrow) here I come. Wish me luck people!


Alison said...

10 minutes is a great start! It's good to just get moving and you will work up to doing the whole dvd!

Unknown said...

I don't have the Cardio Max yet, but I do have the Last Chance Workout, and the Boot Camp. Fyi... They all kick butt! But that is good news, as you will be able to watch your progress!!! Good Luck!

Karilynn said...

8 lb weights aren't wimpy! ;) Congrats on the go go go!! Keep on go go going! Can't wait to hear how amazing you feel at the end of the 30 days!

Heather Brown said...

i love all of their workouts. you want another one that will kick your but get jillians 30 day shred!! it will kick your trash!

Elise said...

I LOVE the biggest loser workouts! I wish I had more! I have the 30 day shreds on ON DEMAND...but nothing else. I should get some! 8 lbs are NOT wimpy! The most I use is 5!!! Good luck on day 2!

Anonymous said...

Great job on getting going on the workout videos. I also have the 30dayshred and the 30jumpstart. I love those. I bounce back and fourth to both to change it up and it keeps me going. I love those.
Way to go and I hope you have fun with it. Just know that if you are sore its a great thing. You will only get stronger by the day and it will get easier. I promise. Keep up the working out or you will get sore again.
Have a great week. You are doing great!!!