me and my hubby

me and my hubby

my weight loss tracker

Thursday, January 14, 2010

second week blah!

So, I was watching the biggest loser last night and they all kept talking about the second week curse. I guess you don't lose as much the second week (as evidenced by my scale so far - and the biggest loser contestants weigh in's) The second week is proving to be harder than I anticipated. During the first week I was gung-ho and rearing to make this weight loss happen. This week, so far, I've had to do some serious self-talk to keep me on track. I haven't fallen off the band-wagon, I'm just saying that it's taken a lot more strength and will power this week to turn away the 'good looking' food and keep on track with the 'good for me' food. I appreciate all the support I've received so far. It's so nice to think how many other people might be going through the same things I'm going through. I'm rooting for you all!!! Power to the weight loss in the second week y'all!!!!!


M and A said...

i agree! i think it's hard mentally to keep going and going and going w/ healthy food choices, exercise etc. that's one reason i joined the comp. i know it WILL help me keep going. i may not have much more/any weight to loose, but i'm there with ya in trying hard everyday to keep going......

Kira's blog said...

I am here with ya! I cheated and had a rice crispy treat today! it was small but good. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming as dory in finding nemo says:)

Elise said...

It will always be hard...but it does get a little easier as time goes on. I don't know if that made sense. One of my tricks is not haveing the food that will ruin my goals even in my house. That may not be an option for you in the future, but right NOW you may consider it. Bring your concerns and goals up in a discussion sometime with your may find they are willing to come to a compromise on some food issues in order to support you in this journey. It wouldn't be for forever, just for a few months as you get this ball rolling. Just food for thought. Power forward!

Karilynn said...

The 2nd week curse might have more to do with mental power than we realize. Like the first week... we bust our butts, lose a few pounds and think... hmm... I'm still the same size... is it really worth it? It's powering forward and continuing to the 3rd and 10th and 15th week that makes it all worth it! KEEP GOING!! :o)