me and my hubby

me and my hubby

my weight loss tracker

Monday, January 4, 2010

my first post

Hello all (or just me)

It's January 4th 2010 and I just joined a weight loss competition. This is my blog that will keep me on track. I LOVE food. I love it, I love eating it, I just LOVE food. I am going to miss being able to eat my favorite things, however, I am determined to lose weight and not be the 'fat' mom anymore. Now, to be fair, my boys have never called me fat. They would never even dream of saying something like that. I have good boys :) who value their lives way too much. I have three boys ages 13, 11, and 5, so I named my blog Fit for My Boys. I said fit and not skinny cuz that's my BIGGEST problem. I dislike exercising even more than I love food - which is saying a lot - so that is what I will be working on the hardest. This is going to be a bumpy road for me, but I think that the competition and the blog will help keep me on track. So, here goes nothing...


Our Fam said...

The competiton helps alot. I was in one for the last few months, it just ended on the 1st. When I got down I would want to run for food but I knew I would have to let the world know. I try to be really honest on my blog so that when I fail I have no excuses, and it helps me to nat fail as much. I have lost 17 pounds since August and I am looking forward to getting rid of the rest with everyone keeping me on my toes. Good luck! I cant wait to see your progress!

Elise said...

Ang. You rock. I know it will be hard, but you have it in you to really succeed at this. One thing I learned through the last comp was that if I wasn't able to work out - it was ok. BUT if I cheated on my diet - I saw the difference on the scale. IF you have to choose between one or the other - choose eating healthy. Your diet has more to do with your weight loss than your work out does. I sounds crazy...but it's true. I learned that one the hard way! Anyway, good luck. I'm excited to watch you shrink!