me and my hubby

me and my hubby

my weight loss tracker

Friday, February 19, 2010

Girls Weekend

Having a fun weekend in St. George with some girlfriends. It's been so fun. Not doing so great with eating...but I'm feeling good about the changes I've already made and I know I'm still headed in the right direction. I'm starting a new exercise routine as a friendly competition with my sister. We are both trying to improve the amount of time we spend MOVING each day as a way to stick to our goals and stay with it. We have a goal to work-out and move at least 150 minutes each week, beginning Monday. We will tally up the minutes at the end of each week, then at the end of 4 weeks the 'winner' gets a little prize. We mainly want to help encourage each other, and also push ourselves and we are hoping this will do the trick. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I am!!!


Ellura said...

Working with your sister sounds like a great idea. It is always easier when you are doing this with a friend (I think a sister counts as a friend). Anyway, that is what the studies say and I think that is why these competitions are so successful. I've done other programs before but I have never seen as much success as I have with these competitions. Enjoy your weekend and good luck this month.

Karilynn said...

Sounds like an awesome challenge! Congrats on making small changes that have huge impacts!